Technical Difficulties

While in Gilroy, I typed up that former post. But I could not publish it until now (at 9pm). So let me tell you about the journey since Gilroy.

The road to interstate 5 is hwy 152 also called Pacheco Pass. It is very scenic as you wind through the golden hills dotted with green live oak trees. I saw horses, cows, and maybe even some elk. Are there elk near that reservoir? There was also a brush fire along the way being fought by many firefighters. At the same time, I heard on KCBS that there was a big brush fire in San Jose. This hot weather makes for serious fire danger.

I arrived at Harris ranch at 5:45pm. odometer at 15,239 and outside temperature was 104 degrees. So, I traveled on the hottest day of the week! 75 miles of range was remaining.  I hit the restroom, looked around a bit, and enjoyed their displays and videos showing California Chrome. That is the horse who won the Kentucky Derby and Preakness this year. Then I ate a salad and tried again to send the gilroy blog posting. It did not work. So, at 6:36pm I left for Tejon ranch with 190 miles of range in the car.

The road from Harris to Tejon is stinky in places and it is desert with tumbleweeds. As you near Tejon Ranch, there is suddenly lush green farms and orchards at the base of the hills. I arrived at Tejon at 8:20pm with 52 miles of range remaining. mileage at 15,356 and a cool 95 degrees!

Now I will drive to West Hills to spend the night with good friends. I hope to post tomorrow in Barstow! Until then, FT

2 thoughts on “Technical Difficulties”

    1. Thanks Peter, Charging in Barstow now. Next is Vegas! Spoke to 3 other Gaussians today. Very nostalgic day. FT

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