Goodbye San Francisco!

Since today is Sunday, I attended a farewell Mass in San Francisco.  It was at St. Anne of the Sunset and coincidentally the parish was having a farewell party for their pastor, Father Ray Reyes. He is moving on to serve all priests within the Archdiocese of San Francisco instead of leading one parish.  Good luck to you Father Ray!  I was happy to attend your farewell celebration as I make my own departure and say farewell to SF!

One thing that Father Ray spoke of today was how beautiful it is to be Catholic.  He challenged us to consider how we show that to the world.  Perhaps by writing that here, I add my own agreement to his words.  Often we are shy to speak of religion in our everyday lives. As a former scientist, I saw how few were comfortable speaking about their spirituality.  I try to be grounded in faith which is sometimes not easy in a world where amorality seems to be celebrated.  Each waking moment is a blessing and hopefully we don’t take that for granted. I am glad to see that gratitude expressed by athletes after touchdowns, big basketball buckets and those recent GOALS of the World Cup.

Tonight I will charge at the Fremont Supercharger.  Then I will do my final preparation for the big trip in Santa Cruz.  One bummer to delay things… a plumbing problem (leak under the kitchen sink).  I hope to fix it now and then get going.  Wish me luck!   If all goes well, my next post tomorrow will be from the Gilroy Supercharger (my first attempt to blog on the road).  To date, these posts have been from a desktop computer.

Thanks to all who have contacted me with the words: “Be Safe”.  Vigilance and taking breaks to rest will be important parts of this long journey.  Keep the faith!

4 thoughts on “Goodbye San Francisco!”

  1. Happy and Safe Trip, Frugal Tesla . We met you at Alou ‘s 60th Birthday Party. Good Luck!

  2. Best wishes for a safe journey! Looking forward to keeping track of your trip. Enjoy the adventure.

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